Mam Tor - Peak District Walk
Wednesday 24th July 2013
It was a special occasion so we were spending the night at the Losehill House Hotel, which by a not so strange coincidence happens to be at the start of John's favourite walk.
Start: Losehill House (SK 1642 8503)
Route: Losehill House - Lose Hill - Back Tor - Hollins Cross - Mam Tor (TP) - Windy Knoll - Cave Dale - Castleton - Hope - Losehill House
Distance: 9.75 miles Ascent: 583 metres Time Taken: 6 hours 20 mins
Terrain: Clear paths.
Weather: Warm and cloudy to start but then turning sunny.
Pub Visited: Castle Inn, Castleton Ale Drunk: Brain's SA

Our hotel for the night chosen in part because of its location but also because it offered us a fine dining experience with which to celebrate John's birthday.

Lose Hill.

One of the best views of the ridge and Mam Tor is from the ascent of Lose Hill.

No summit pictures on Lose Hill as the toposcope was being used as a picnic table.

Looking along the ridge from Back Tor.

Back Tor from the ridge.

We had a long lunch break just below Hollins Cross, looking out across the Vale of Edale towards Kinder.

Looking back along the ridge from Mam Tor's summit.

I would have liked a photo of the trig, just as many others would have done, but this 'summit hogger' remained oblivious to everyone around him, who waited and waited for him to move and like me after taking other shots from the summit gave up. I can account for him being there for at least 15 minutes and he showed no sign of moving as we started to descend.

The Vale of Edale from Mam Tor's summit plateau.

Winnat's Pass also taken from Mam Tor's summit plateau.

By the time we reached Cave Dale the grey clouds had been replaced by blue sky and sunshine.

Leaving Cave Dale to head into Castleton for a well earned birthday pint, before the walk back along the road to the hotel.
All pictures copyright © Peak Walker 2006-2023